Why we love California weather....the flowers are forever in bloom and now that spring is here the photos speak for themselves.....
My Granddaugher Isabella took this photo of the rose "Marina". |
She gets her gift of photography from her mom, Ashley, who takes all our photos and posts them on our blog. They both seem to have the eye for taking the right shot.
This climbing rose was on clearance for $1.00!! In two years it has reached the top of the second floor. Don't overlook those clearance plants...sometimes all they need is someone to believe in them, take good care of them and encourage them to reach their full potential. Wait a minute....am I talking about darling kids or roses? (smile)
Home Sweet Home....there's a bird's nest in the birdcage in the jasmine.....but I put it there and have had no renters to move in yet...
The jasmine really burst with unbelievable blooms this year. As you pass through the garden gate the
fragrance wraps all around you. You just have to stop and enjoy that beautiful smell for several seconds before you can move forward. It's no wonder jasmine is used in so many home products and perfumes. It is one of my favorite fragrances.
This wall is still a work in progress. The ivy was planted about two years ago and is just now reaching the top of the six foot wall. Ivy is so easy to propogate and it spreads like crazy. Lots of trimming involved to keep it groomed. The lattice arches are from Lowe's, the wooden flower boxes and geraniums are from Home Depot. I mention this because the prices on both were so affordable, especially the geraniums. Home Depot often has fantastic WOW! events, special plants with unbelievable prices and quality. Check them out. The gernaiums were a WOW! bargain....such a brillliant red, huge plant and loaded with bloom. And after a year, they are still looking great! See the close up photo below. I love the look!

The precious little hummingbird nest in the yard (see below) will soon be under a glass dome and off to one of our shows to be sold and find a new home with someone who adores it. This is the second one this spring. So hard not to keep, but they build in this same bush every year and hope they continue to return every spring.
Another pic by Isabella |
Yummy blueberries are coming in! My granddaughters and I picked fresh blueberries in the yard Saturday morning and Isabella, quite the little chef, made blueberry pancakes for the family.